Field Report on Casey Lace, Alex Dreams, Jenna Monroe, and Bella Sophia

Brothel: Wild Horse Canyon Resort


Reporter: Al Pesto
Date Received: December 23, 2006
Date of Party: November 1 - 5, 2006

Day Seven: Dolci, A Welcome Slice Of Home

I came in on my last night with the same plan as Day Six: Talk to Janelle, find Daisy, see where the evening went. I figured I had to try a two-girl party at some point during the trip, and this was my last chance.

Unfortunately, Daisy hadn’t made it out. Just as unfortunately, I was taking a long time to wake up. I’d gotten to the WH later than usual, since I’d packed up my stuff and checked out of the hotel before driving over. I’d also stayed up later than usual the night before, since I knew I’d be flying all day. (A side trip out to Tahoe before bedtime that morning had made staying up easier and far more pleasant.)

So, I did get a chance to talk to Casey and Janelle, but I was still waking up when they went off to bed.

I soon found myself in the company of Dolci, a charming lady who was pleasantly buzzed from having shared a few drinks with one of the regulars. We hit it off nicely. Had a lot in common, and just enjoyed each other’s company. But it didn’t feel right to ask her back when she wasn’t entirely herself. There was also the problem that (from my side of things), we were connecting on the wrong level. We talked of home and having similar backgrounds and places we both knew in Real Life, and it got me to thinking of her as someone I’d like to date rather than someone to party with that night.

Still, it was a quiet evening. It was pretty much just the two of us (and the bartender, who was busy with his own work). So we talked comfortably for the rest of the night. We seemed to just naturally fit together. Time flew, and I’d like to think we both got something out of it.

Bella came out in the morning. Dolci disappeared behind the green door, saying she expected to be back soon. I went up to the bar to get some coffee, since I knew I had a long day ahead of me. (It felt like bedtime, but my flight wasn’t due to leave for several hours.) Bella and I soon found ourselves in the midst of another fascinating conversation.

Bella also suggested that it might be a good idea to tip Dolci for the benefit of her company. It seemed like a good idea on some level, but the thought of tipping someone for chatting with you in a bar struck me as distinctly odd. I nodded, though, and planned to follow up on the suggestion. I wished someone had mentioned the possibility before. But… Dolci never came back out, what cash I had was outside in the trunk of my car, and Bella proved very distracting. Another plan gone. I’ll have to see if I can do anything to thank her from home.

I actually got the chance to (briefly) meet the house’s madame, Susan, which was very cool.

I conversed with Bella until it was time for her to go, then retreated to my corner to read for a little while before stepping out of the door for the last time. It was a little harder than I’d expected to leave it all behind. But I walked out into the sunlight, turned back one last time, and tipped my hat to the room and the memories. It only seemed right.

All in all, it was a heck of a trip. I think it was very good for me, on several levels. Just what I needed.

I was impressed with the WH at every turn. They know how to take care of people, on both sides of the business. It’s an amazing thing Lance and Susan have built. I spoke to a fair number of ladies about working conditions at the house (and about other places they’d worked), and I never found even a hint of a reason to doubt that the WH really is the best place around. Absolutely exceptional.

And, of course, the ladies. They’ve given me something I couldn’t have gotten any other way. Certainly not in a way that was so healthy and positive. And I feel like I made a real connection with more than a few of them, not just the ones I partied with. Friendships. Some temporary, some of which may well be far more lasting.

So, to Susan, Lance, Casey, Alex, Jenna, Janelle, Bella Sophia, Dolci, Carolina, Yvette, Dave, Smoothdog, Kyle (Casey’s publicist and “the go-to guy”), and everyone else who made this trip what it was… from the bottom of my heart…

Thank you.


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